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Mastering OKRs: Shifting Product Delivery Focus from Outputs to Outcomes

Zsolt Berend

In a quick poll I ran, a surprising 67% of people said they rarely engage with customers to improve their produce your experience.

Product delivery poll - how often do teams engage with customers to improve product or service

But what if we shift our perspective to prioritize the customer? How might their reactions, engagement levels, or subscription rates transform? Are we equipped to anticipate and measure these shifts effectively? What leading indicators can offer us invaluable insights into the accuracy of our hypotheses?

To pivot from product delivery Outputs to Outcomes, we need to be customer-centric

Engage with your customers to understand current behaviours and motivations to help create meaningful products that support future behaviour change. When articulating outcomes, it will help us answer these questions: How will they react, engage, subscribe? Will customer behaviour’s change? How can you sense it, measure it? What are the leading indicators that will bring you valuable insights whether your hypotheses are correct? 

What are the linkages between leading and lagging indicators? 

Come along to our business agility training to learn more.

Learning resources:

If you found this article useful, you might be interested in additional Sooner Safer Happier learning resources to enable you to lead with these behaviours:

OKR canvas example
OKR canvas

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