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(2) How We Got Here
This is the second blog post in the Organising for Outcomes series . It is helpful to understand where we have come from, to understand...

(1) Organising for Outcomes
This is the first blog post in the Organising for Outcomes series . It is helpful to understand where we’ve come from, how today’s ways...

The Sooner Safer Happier Podcast with Jon Smart is now available!
It’s the Age of Digital and we’re all living in it. Sooner Safer Happier is a podcast orchastrated to help you on your unique journey to...

6 ways to close the gap between Strategy and Execution
3 out of 5 companies rate their organisation as weak on strategy execution. Only 8% of leaders excel at both strategy and execution. ...

Want to scale agile? Don’t. Descale the work first. Achieve big through small.
This is the second post in a series, sharing a number of observed anti-patterns and corresponding patterns on the topic of business...
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