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(4) From Craft to Capitalism (Part 2)
In the previous post, nine key aspects of the First Industrial Revolution were listed. We're now going to take a closer look at each one of
(3) From Craft to Capitalism (Part 1)
It’s 5:55am and a bell is ringing. Elizabeth just made it in through the tall, imposing factory gates before they close at 6am. The next tim
(2) How We Got Here
This is the second blog post in the Organising for Outcomes series . It is helpful to understand where we have come from, to understand...
Continuous Learning Loop
In the world of business agility, I often find myself needing to explain complex concepts in a way that's easy to understand. That's...
(1) Organising for Outcomes
This is the first blog post in the Organising for Outcomes series . It is helpful to understand where we’ve come from, how today’s ways...
6 ways to close the gap between Strategy and Execution
3 out of 5 companies rate their organisation as weak on strategy execution. Only 8% of leaders excel at both strategy and execution. ...
Succeeding in a Low-Growth Economy: Three Keys to Unlock Portfolio Value Delivery
Succeeding In a Low-Growth Economy: Three Keys to Unlock Your Portfolio Delivery Ecosystem In a world where even the smallest competitive...
Change is hard. Change is messy. Change is different for everyone.
Change is hard. Change is messy. Change is different for everyone. There are real emotions that we need to consider on the journey....
Know your flow
Picture this. A gaggle of CIOs from various industries meeting to discuss digital transformation and business agility. About 20 in the...
What is Waterfall?
Most large, old, traditional organizations either used to take, or still take, a waterfall approach in the context of unique change. The...
How to survive and thrive in the Age of Digital?
For those who choose to leverage the latest technological revolution and adopt ways of working that suit the nature of more of today’s...
Pattern 1.2: Start with why; Empower the how
In Antipattern 1.2, we saw how a capital “A,” capital “T” Agile Transformation feels to an employee like involuntary, mandatory change...
Antipattern 1.2: Using old ways of thinking to apply new ways of working
Focusing on “Agile,” “Lean,” or “DevOps” as the end rather than the means to an end is using old ways of thinking to apply new ways of...
How should I fund agility?
“Our investment funding is tied to detailed upfront business cases and annual project cycles. Its hard to understand what a different...
What is DevOps?
Given the importance of taking an optimal approach for the type of work, it is important to understand what agile, lean, DevOps, and...
Outcome hypotheses – A primer
In order to optimize for Better Value Sooner Safer Happier in the context of product development, there needs to be a shift from fixed,...
Pattern 1.1: Focus on outcomes
Focus on the outcomes, on Better Value Sooner Safer Happier, as the goal, not on Agile, Lean, or DevOps as the goal. In his 1962 book...
What is Agile and Lean?
Given the importance of taking an optimal approach for the type of work, it is important to understand what agile, lean, DevOps, and...
Pop the bubbles, creating a learning ecosystem
The population of Detroit doubled between 1910 and 1920, it went from half a million to a million. The key driver of the growth was the...
Antipatterns and Patterns
Organizations are complex adaptive systems. There is no one way of working that suits every context. There is no such thing as “best...
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